31 August 2006

I'm learning as I go...

I just made contact with Frank Black who has been doing blues radio for over 20 years...WOW!!! Check his website out here. I'm sure theres many others who have been around for a long time doing what they love, playing blues and hosting radio programmes. As a new DJ starting out I've reminded that it's all good - the mistakes and all! One thing I've learnt already is not to appologize for every slip up - heck listeners don't need to know what they don't know, he he. Like this week in the blues room I went to play my promo for the BOP Blues club I have on audio cd and to my horror it didn't work - total silence, ha HA! Hmmmm, yes a very long pause (sigh) So I played something else instead, luckily I had something near by, ready and available. I want to get to the skill level where I can prepare a prograamme in advance on my computer and have the studio computer play it without me present. That way I can relax at home and hear mty own show!!! When all is said and done (and yes I know alot more is said than done, my Dad keeps reminding me in his email footer!) I do enjoy being up in the studio doing a live show. I need more live acts people ... so what are you doing next wednesday night from 9pm, wanna join me in the blues room?

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